Bob Egan will speak on

"Quick Tips for Timely Photography"

Digital Imagers Meeting

Sunday March 4, 2007 at 1:15, Pitt Scaife Hall, Room 1102


Everyone wants to take better pictures and produce better prints. Too often, everyone also thinks that means needing to buy better equipment to achieve this. Bob hopes that this two-part presentation will remind us of what we already know and help us to quickly improve our work with the equipment we already have.

Part 1 – Bob will demonstrate through some of his recent images that the key to taking better pictures immediately involves paying attention to three main elements: Light, Composition, and Focus.

Part 2 – An important component of producing better prints is proper sharpening. Bob will review the sharpening tools/techniques available in Photoshop CS2 and demonstrate when to use them. These include: Unsharp Mask, Edge Sharpening, High Pass Sharpening, Contrast Sharpening, Smart Sharpen, and back to a technique with Unsharp Mask that will allow controlling the highlight and shadow halos.


Bob Egan's professional career has crystalllized recently with specializations in landscapes, close-ups, and natural abstraction. While most of his images have been captured in the subject-rich natural areas of Western Pennsylvania, he has also trekked to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Glacier National Park Montana, the coastal area of Down East Maine, Acadia National Park and Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Locally, Bob is consistently drawn to McConnell's Mill State Park, Raccoon Wildflower Reserve, Wolf Creek Narrows and Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.

During the last five years, Bob has developed and taught ten different photography courses at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, and had his work displayed at the Phipps Garden Center and the Andy Warhol Museum.