Richard Goldszer, PE, PS, will speak on

"3 Dimensional Photography

Civil War to 1900's"

Digital Imagers Meeting

Sunday Sept. 6, 2015 at 1:15, Pitt Scaife Hall, Room 1102


I will speak about the following topics: Who invented photography?, What was it used for?, Examples of stereo cameras, Examples of stereo slides (cards), Current uses of Stereo Photography, Future of Stereo Photography.


My father, Dr. Louis Goldszer was a mamber of the Digital Imagers Photography Group since 2008.

He introduced my brothers and I to photography when we first saw his slide shows of our just completed vacations.

My dad had a hobby of collecting stereographic viewers and views from all around the world, probably a spinoff from his education, training, and practice of optometry (lenses). I have some of the collection that Robert Cowan, auctioneer from Ohio, directed to the private market for his collection.